More than just a playground or a gathering place for families to share the joy of vaccination at VNVC, the contest “VNVC Vaccination in My Eyes” has also contributed to spreading valuable stories about vaccines in protecting community health. Through this, THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES have gained easier access to vaccines, building trust and motivation to achieve FULL VACCINATIONS, safeguarding health against dangerous infectious diseases.

“I LOVE VNVC BECAUSE…”—there are millions of reasons why customers love VNVC every day. Although the “VNVC Vaccination in My Eyes” contest has concluded, the compliments customers continue to give VNVC serve as the most solid proof of its value and enduring success. This inspires VNVC to relentlessly strive toward its goal: ensuring that every child and adult has the opportunity to access high-quality, safe, and affordable vaccines, enhancing overall quality of life!

Photos were taken at VNVC with the consent of customers.
#vnvc #nationwide #vaccine_vaccination #safe_vaccination #multi_photo