May every year be as desired, and every day be peaceful and safe.
Happy New Year!!! Starting a prosperous and successful Year of the Wood Tiger. Tokyo Deli wishes your family a spring filled with good fortune, a peaceful new age, great success in your endeavors, and prosperity in all things.
In 2024, Tokyo Deli will continue to provide many experiences of traditional Japanese culinary culture combined with modernity to enhance emotional enjoyment. We hope you will continue to believe in and accompany our restaurant throughout the upcoming journey ♥️
“May every year be as desired, and every day be peaceful and safe.
Happy New Year!!! Starting a prosperous and successful Year of the Wood Tiger. Tokyo Deli wishes your family a spring filled with good fortune, a peaceful new age, great success in your endeavors, and prosperity in all things.
In 2024, Tokyo Deli will continue to provide many experiences of traditional Japanese culinary culture combined with modernity to enhance emotional enjoyment. We hope you will continue to believe in and accompany our restaurant throughout the upcoming journey ♥️
#TokyoDeli #TetNguyenDan #XuanGiapThin #MonNhat #Sushi
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Hotline: 1900 234504